My friends over at Tahoe Fly Fishing Outfitters have posted that they are running their guide school again. One has to wonder if attending school to learn the art of guiding will satisfy the fire that burns to fly fish or just add fuel to the fire? That is a question whose answer will be different for every person. If you are interested in checking out some additional information, check out their information page for the guide classes.
Volunteers needed for 20th Annual Kids’ Fishing Derby
The 20th Annual Kids’ Fishing Derby is set to be held at Lampe Park in Gardnerville, NV on June 6th and 7th this year. Last year there were over 2,200 participants, so there is a real need for volunteers to help out with everything from setup to tear-down.
I went with my daughter Bailey last year to check it out, and she really wanted to fish. I just felt that she was a year too young, but that is not the case this year. She has been practicing her casts and is ready to catch some fish! This is a fun day for the kids and is important for the continued success of our sport.
If you would like any additional information, or wish to volunteer, please contact one of the event organizers below:
Trent Dowell, President (775) 267-2724 or email:
Pam Rodrigues, Treasuere (775) 265-1795 or email:
Caples Lake Drawdown
Over the weekend, one of my clients told me that Caples Lake was going to be lowered for some long overdue repair on the outlet works. It has deteriorated so badly, that it has to be replaced now rather than later. Also this will allow the state parks service to build a new boat ramp. As of today (7/21/08), the El Dorado Irrigation District has started the release of water from Caples Lake. The release will continue well into September. This means that Caples Creek and the Silver Fork of the American River will be blown out.
For the official word, click here.
Douglas County’s Kids Fishing Derby – 05/31/08
Erin, Bailey and I went to the Kids’ Fishing Derby at Lampe Park in Gardnerville, NV on Saturday. what a cool idea to get more kids into t the sport of fishing. What they do is take 6,000 trout and stock this tiny creek. Some of the fish are upwards of 6 pounds. Then they give a baited rod to pre-registered kids and let them go at it. We witnessed many fish caught and even have some pictures of real whoppers that one kid was able to land.
At 3, Bailey was just the minimum age (by one month) to participate, but by the time I went hunting for a ticket they were all gone. Next year I will register Bailey in plenty of time and she will most likely have a better appreciation for fishing by then. I will add that she asked several time if she could go and fish with the other kids, so we promised to take her fishing on the river the next day. Hopefully I will have a report on that later.