Time to grab the new release of fish porn from Mikey Wier. Soulfish 2 is out.

Is it coincidence that Soufish 2 AND John Gierach’s new book, No Shortage of Good Days, release in the same week? I cry conspiracy!!
Time to grab the new release of fish porn from Mikey Wier. Soulfish 2 is out.
Is it coincidence that Soufish 2 AND John Gierach’s new book, No Shortage of Good Days, release in the same week? I cry conspiracy!!
EBMUD is attempting to get approval to raise the height of Pardee dam. If they succeed, miles of the Mokelumne river will disappear under the raised dam. In my humble opinion, the potential recreational opportunities provided by the expanded dam will not even come close to the destroyed recreational opportunities buried under feet of water.
I understand the argument that several years of drought have depleted water reserves for Bay Area and Southern CA water users, but I propose that BEFORE we spend billions increasing water storage and transportation, that we spend a few million educating people on water conservation. I know that folks “think” they are conserving, but the majority do nothing. Most waste considerably more than they should. We need education programs, subsidies or credits for installing water saving devices, and in certain communities, restrictions and enforcement.
For more information, please read Mikey Wier’s blogs on this topic here and here. You can also find more information on the Foothill Conservancy’s website as well as over at Friends of the River.
FISH EYE 4 “Through Anglers Eyes” from Mikey Wier on Vimeo.
Mikey Wier is a South Lake Tahoe based Action and Environmental Video productions company specializing in fly fishing videos. Fish Eye 4 is his latest release.
FISH EYE Video Magazine Issue 4 “Through Anglers Eyes” is the latest release from BURL Productions. This issue features spectacular trout fishing in the California Back-country, Steelhead fishing on the Trinity River, The Bass N Fly Challenge for black bass in the Delta, Exploratory fly fishing in Panama and instructional advise on rigging and fishing hopper and dropper set ups.